

Covid 19 has intensified and exaggerated fault lines in contemporary socities revealing back to us our ways of dealing with

Mental Health


The COVID-19 pandemic has likely impacted mental health in many different ways. The pandemic has created an environment where many determinants of mental health are impacted.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns about mental health and substance use have grown, including concerns about suicidal ideation. In January 2021, 41% of adults reported symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder, a share that has been largely stable since spring 2020. In a survey from June 2020, 13% of adults reported new or increased substance use due to coronavirus-related stress, and 11% of adults reported thoughts of suicide in the past 30 days. Suicide rates have long been on the rise and may worsen due to the pandemic.

Why is Mental Health So Important ?

Mental health matters. Taking care of our mental health aids in our resilience and recovery from anything that happens. Anyone can have a bad day, but it doesn’t mean that it’s a bad life. How we respond to it and take care of our mental health are what’s important.

Affects Physical Health

The mind and the body are connected. Many mental ailments cause stress, which lowers the immune system. This means more frequent sickness and inability to cope.Stress and anxiety can take a toll on our physical health.

Affects Everything

Our mental health affects how we cope with life. Lack of treatment leads to hopelessness and sadness, worthlessness, feeling guilty, anxiety and worry, fear, and loss of control.Our relationships may suffer.

End Stigma and Shame

When it comes down to it, those who are mentally ill must need treatment. But without awareness and breaking the stigma surrounding their condition, they won’t feel comfortable reaching out to somebody for help.

What we can Offer

We Are Trained and Professional Councellsor,who understand the issuse faced by our clients and discuss various/topics to resolve problem.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is one type of psychotherapy in which a trained professional helps a single person work through personal issues they have been facing. It is an effective treatment for a variety of emotional difficulties and mental illnesses.

Couples Therapy

Couples therapy can address a wide range of relationship issues, including recurring conflicts, feelings of disconnection, an affair, stress and no harmony, understanding or difficulties due to external stressors.

Children Therapy

Child counseling is a type of therapy that focuses on young children and adolescents with one or more mental illnesses. It also provides aid to youths, who have experienced trauma, who are experiencing a dysfunctional or stressful home environment.

Zoom Meeting

Connect instantly with a 24x7 specialist or choose to video visit a particular doctor. Start an instant consultation within 2 minutes or do video consultation at the scheduled time. Be assured that your online consultation will be fully private and secured.

Zoom Meeting

What Our Clients Say

We have been working with clients around the world and Here are the few things they say about us.

Efficient Collaborating

The people providing the service and technology used is very good and have good collaboration.

Guy Hawkins


Good Service

The service provided by the doctors is very good and they have very good knowledge.

Alec Buttons

Software Engineer

Friendly Nature

The Doctors are very friendly and understand the problem very quickly.

Kira Rhoades




Depression therapy

Individual therapy

Couples therapy

Children therapy

Anti-Stress therapy

Contact Us

+91 80 8861 1802


2231 Sycamore Lake Road Green Bay, WI 54304

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Designed And Developed By:

Varun S Athreya



Sandeep M

